Monday 4 June 2012

From Darkness To Light



Everyone in this world, in his own thought or supposition bears a journey from Darkness to Light.
        Some people among us when are exposed to the beam of light that enters their cave liked heart for the very first time are just perplexed, because of the fact that they glanced at the light at that very moment when they least expected it.
         Some when born, just come up with a miraculous light to which people may consider as a  direct gift 
from God.
         Others first discover the light and then lose it and are encapsulated by the darkness all around.But its not the end of the world, its not all over then. Again they experience that luminosity and are astonished once again,But that also not last long.They stumble in the darkness once again and at that time all what they can do is "NOTHING".
         Some day they again perceive that light and they gaze in vain,but  somewhere inside their heart they venture to lose it because that light again is a risk to them.Then finally they see the God's light and they run the risk.That is actually the time when they keep their faith in Him and a strong one.They trust him that the light they now own cannot be turned into darkness.This is then when God says,
               "God is the guardian of those who believe.He brings them out from darkness into light"
They keep on moving on with that light and set aside the darkness in their past.They wish that this light one day can bring sheer happiness and peace to them.They trust that light because they trust God.They trust God because they want to...
and God knows better...!     


  1. That was absolutely beautiful way of expressing the Light MashaAllah la Hawla Wa la Quatta ilah billah :)

  2. Jesus said,“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12.

    Brother, Don't be get decieved, I was also lost in the darkness of the world but Jesus showed me the path of light. He is the way to Heaven. Repant from your sins and Trust in Him and your Sins will be forgiven by his blood. He has paid for our sins. Our works can't save us but only Jesus can save us.
